Cash and Cash Management
Health Check

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Cash and Cash Management Health Check

Cash and Cash Management Health Check Banner Vector

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If improving visibility to cash and cash position, getting global visibility of cash in real-time and being able to have accurate, timely and informative Cash, Liquidity and Exposure forecasts are important… We can help.

As the leaders in SAP Finance and Compliance, Bramasol’s experts have developed a comprehensive program to help you answer your question with regards to be ready for new implementations.

Our comprehensive self-assessment questions will help you answer your question with regards to be ready for Treasury implementations or Changes.

Why Choose Cash and Cash Management Assessment?

  • You spend more time than you’d like on manual intervention and workarounds and simply want to make it easier and more accurate
  • Your System Performance is very slow and poor
  • Patching incremental problems, not fixing root causes
  • Adding business processes, companies or services is difficult
  • Your current system is old versions with limited functionality and inadequate interfaces.
  • Non-Real Time Information System
  • Suboptimal Performance Measurement
Why Choose Banking, Cash and Treasury Assessment?

If improving visibility to cash and cash position, getting global visibility of cash in real-time and being able to have accurate, timely and informative Cash, Liquidity and Exposure forecasts are important… We can help.

As the leaders in SAP Finance and Compliance, Bramasol’s experts have developed a comprehensive program to help you answer your question with regards to be ready for new implementations.

Our comprehensive self-assessment questions will help you answer your question with regards to be ready for Treasury implementations or Changes.

Why Choose Cash and Cash Management Assessment?

  • You spend more time than you’d like on manual intervention and workarounds and simply want to make it easier and more accurate
  • Your System Performance is very slow and poor
  • Patching incremental problems, not fixing root causes
  • Adding business processes, companies or services is difficult
  • Your current system is old versions with limited functionality and inadequate interfaces.
  • Non-Real Time Information System
  • Suboptimal Performance Measurement
Why Choose Banking, Cash and Treasury Assessment?

Key Capabilities

  • Single version of the truth for all cash relevant data across all business entities
  • Flexible and customizable automation of daily cash operations
  • Integrated bank account management to maintain and control the rising number of bank accounts
  • Real-time drill down capabilities into all transaction and immediate ability to take action


  • Reduce time and effort required to obtain cash information; understand cash requirements in seconds
  • Access to relevant data on one central platform
  • Ability to analyze at many different levels of granularity to gain a detailed and through insight into transactions
  • Create precise and detailed liquidity forecasts to provide enhanced guidance and planning for the business
  • No more “system-hopping” with access to relevant data on one central platform
  • The new user interface is easy to use on any device with full mobile access
  • Flexibility of display of Cash activity (payments receipts, treasury related) with drill through

What is the Bramasol’s Cash Management Assessment program

Bramasol’s Cash Management Assessment program is an in-depth review of your cash management Eco-system by our team of experts across 4 main dimensions:

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